June 13, 2024
10 min read

Checklist for effective accounting system set up for your law firm

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Imagine your law firm as a finely tuned legal machine where precision and accuracy are paramount. Just as your legal expertise ensures justice, an effective accounting system is the bedrock of your financial stability and growth. Let’s walk through a comprehensive checklist to set up an accounting system that aligns seamlessly with the unique needs of your law firm. From choosing the right software to ensuring compliance and security, let's embark on this journey towards financial excellence.

Considerations while choosing accounting software for your law firm

This table format provides a clear overview of the key considerations law firms need to consider when choosing accounting software.

Checklist for setting up accounting software for a law firm

Here's a list of essential things needed to set up an accounting system:

  • Accounting Software: Choose a reliable accounting software that suits the needs of your law firm. Look for features tailored to the legal industry, such as time tracking, billing, and trust accounting capabilities. Popular options include QuickBooks for Law Firms, Xero, Wave and Zoho Books.
  • Chart of Accounts: Customize your chart of accounts to reflect the unique financial transactions and categories relevant to law firms. This ensures that your accounting records accurately capture the nature of your financial activities.
  • Bank Accounts: Open business bank accounts, including a general operating account and potentially a separate trust account for client funds. This separation is crucial to maintain ethical standards and comply with regulations.
  • Documentation and templates: Create templates for invoices, expense reports, client billing statements, engagement letters, and other financial documents. Standardized templates ensure consistency and professionalism in your financial interactions.
  • User access and permissions: Set up user access and permissions within the accounting software. Assign roles and responsibilities to staff members while maintaining security by limiting access to sensitive financial data.
  • Data migration: If your firm is transitioning from manual bookkeeping or another system, ensure a smooth migration of existing financial data to the new accounting software. This may involve data entry, importing, and reconciliation.
  • Client and matter tracking: Implement a system for tracking clients, matters, and cases within the accounting software. This integration helps link financial transactions to specific cases and clients for accurate billing.
  • Timekeeping integration: If your accounting software doesn't have built-in timekeeping, integrate a time tracking tool that allows attorneys and staff to log billable hours. This data can then be seamlessly transferred to invoices.
  • Expense tracking categories: Define and set up expense tracking categories relevant to your law firm's operations. Common categories include personnel expenses, office supplies, marketing, and rent.
  • Reconciliation processes: Establish regular reconciliation processes for bank accounts, client trust accounts, credit card transactions, and other financial records. Reconciling ensures accuracy and identifies discrepancies.
  • Tax compliance setup: Configure your accounting system to track relevant tax information, including sales tax, VAT (if applicable), and any tax rates that your law firm is subject to.
  • Financial reports: Customize and generate financial reports within the software, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. These reports provide insights into your firm's financial health.
  • Backup and security: Implement robust backup procedures to safeguard your financial data. Use encryption and other security measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  • Training and support: Provide training to your staff on how to use the accounting software effectively. Familiarize them with data entry, invoicing, time tracking, and generating reports.
  • Ongoing maintenance: Regularly review and update your accounting system to adapt to changing needs, regulations, and industry trends. Stay informed about software updates and enhancements that can improve your processes.
  • Professional Advice: Consult with a certified public accountant (CPA) or financial advisor specializing in the legal industry. Their expertise can help you tailor your accounting system to meet legal and regulatory requirements.

By addressing these key components, you'll be well on your way to establishing a robust and efficient accounting system tailored to the specific needs of your law firm. Download a handy checklist here to help you guide your accounting software set up.